
The Millennium Patented Access Control System (PACS) can be used in jails, prisons and other security based institutions to allow for cuffing of violent and unruly inmates with minimum staff contact and when necessary aid in the dispersant of chemical agents into the cell to control violent inmates without jeopardizing staff safety or contaminating surrounding areas. The correctional facility requires highest level of security; therefore PACS will enable the cell in high security area to be locked down to prevent an inmate from attacking or escaping. By preventing the sudden opening of the food pass door, the PACS cannot be breached by the inmates, therefore the correctional staff is no longer at risk of personal injury, having substance thrown on them and it prohibits the passage of contraband from one cell to the other.

When the need for dispensing chemical agents arise, a cell door that has the Millennium Patented Access Control System can remain closed while gas agents are used. This feature virtually eliminates contamination of the surrounding area and nearby cells (it also has a potent psychological effect on inmates to comply knowing that they have nowhere to go if gas is used).

The Millennium Patented Access Control System also allows for the safe passage of medication, food, commissary, and other such items while limiting direct physical contact between inmates and personnel.

The Millennium Patented Access Control System's dual locking system and sliding metal door with hinged cover gives the correction officer, medical civilians, maintenance personnel and other authorized personnel total control of the pass way in detention doors and eliminates direct contact with violent and/or deviant inmates.

The Millennium Patented Access Control System is designed to withstand the severest physical and environmental punishments common to jail and prison segregation settings. The unique Millennium Patented Access Control System incorporates dual locks with a laser-cut ratcheted slide mechanism. The Millennium Patented Access Control System is the only dual locking device of this kind available on the market today.

The Millennium Patented Access Control System can be used in new construction, retrofit and facility upgrade. Installation of the Millennium Patented Access Control System can be accomplished by our highly trained technical staff or if you prefer, by your own appropriate maintenance personnel.

Patent No:

US 6,817,481 B2
US 6,598,546 B2
US 9,016,558 B2